Easiest Outdoor Production?
Outdoors on Logs – Shiitake
Shiitake mushrooms grown on logs outdoors are one of the easiest mushrooms for beginners to learn the cycles of mushroom production. Although oyster mushrooms may fruit easiest, they are insect prone, so Shiitakes are the one to start with. All log grown mushrooms are grown on fresh cut logs, so you will need to cut some fresh hardwood logs, preferably oak (check tree chart for alternatives), that is less than a month old cut from living healthy trees, 6-10” diameter logs are best. Logs are drilled with holes spaced out 4-5” around the entire bark-covered surface and filled with either plug or sawdust spawn. Sawdust spawn can inoculate up to 100 linear feet of wood and plug spawn can inoculate up to 10 linear feet of wood. The spawn is inserted, plug spawn is tapped in flush with a hammer and the sawdust is injected (with a plunger or stuffed in manually). Wax is melted in a jar sitting in hot water and brushed on with a small brush to cover the holes after the spawn is inserted. After all holes are spawned and waxed you are done spawning! Water logs occasionally, every week if it doesn’t rain, and after 8-10 months the mushrooms should have colonized and begin to fruit.
Shiitake comes in three strain types: Cold (33-50°F), Wide Range (50-75°F), and Warm/Hot (75-100°F)
Spawn all of the strain types at the same time. They will fruit when the temperature window comes around AFTER the initial 8-10 months colonization has completed. Each strain fruits twice a year, and you may soak 10% of each strain types every week to optimize your weekly harvest and repeat after the first cycle. Once the logs have fruited twice in a season let them rest, tarping them to dry, and initiating soaking again when the next season comes back around.
Soaking – To soak logs submerge them in water (well or city), for 12-24 hours but NO MORE– it will drown them.
Fruiting – After soaking, lean logs up against trees or cross-stack them in a log cabin pattern and the mushrooms should emerge in a few days. Make sure to keep these logs watered twice a day!
Picking – When shiitake caps flatten they are mature and can be twisted off and harvested.
Log Resting – After harvesting, the logs can rest for 8-10 weeks, should be tarped to dry, and can be re-soaked for a second time each year to produce another flush, after that they can be tarped until the following season. Shiitake logs can go dry for up to a year with no water and still live, so only water them when you want them to fruit!
Getting to know the mushroom
One of the most popular mushrooms that we sell here at Mushroom Mountain is the Shiitake mushroom. This is an amazing mushroom, and extremely easy to grow! We are going to share with you how to grow them on logs, how to boost their vitamin D as well as an awesome recipe for you to enjoy your mushrooms with. You’ll probably be surprised to find that shiitake mushrooms boost your immune system using polysaccharides, so that it can better fight cancers. They have been known to stabilize blood pressure.Â

Not only are Shiitake mushrooms good for you, they are delicious to eat. You can substitute mushrooms for just about any meat, from Shiitake gravy to spaghetti with sautéed Shiitake, or also as an addition to meat, boosting nutritional content and flavor. This incredibly diverse mushroom has a strong, earthy flavor that can be added into almost anything.
Shiitake mushrooms are one of the most widely cultivated mushrooms around the world surpassed only by the White Button mushroom. They have been cultivated and enjoyed all around the globe for over a thousand years! That’s pretty impressive.

We know a lot of you may be slightly intimidated by the thought of growing your own mushrooms, but it seems like it is much more complicated than it really is. As a matter of fact, once you start, it will become a lifelong skill.Â
Because we know, not all of our fungi loving friends live in the same climate, we offer a variety of different shiitake mushrooms plugs as well as sawdust spawn. Choose which strain will suit your climate best. Use hardwood logs like Alder, Ash, Birch, Bitternut, Cherry, Chestnut, Hophornbeam, Ironwood, Maple, Oak, Pecan, Sweet gum, Sycamore, Tulip Poplar, Walnut, Willow and others. They do not grow on conifers.

Check out our Zone Fruiting Map that will tell you what the fruiting temperatures are, and what wood different strains grow on.Â

A general rule of thumb is that a bag of 100 plugs will inoculate about 10 linear feet or 3 logs about 3 feet long, and one bag of sawdust spawn can inoculate around a 100 linear feet or 30-40 logs. Keep in mind, there are variables that might change that number, like how far apart you made your holes and how big the logs are.

You will also need the appropriate drillbit for your spawn. If you are using plugs your hole is going to need to be made with a 5/16″ (8.5mm) bit and if you are using sawdust you will need a 1/2″ (12mm) bit. You will also need an inoculation tool or plunger for sawdust spawn. This will take the spawn and inject it into the hole that you have made in the logs. Sawdust spawn is a more economical way to plug logs even with buying the plunger. We recommend using plugs for a small amount of logs, and sawdust for anything over 30 linear feet.

Last but not least you will need wax to seal your holes. You can use any organic unscented wax. We usually use soy or beeswax. This will seal the hole above the spawn and ensure that the spawn doesn’t dry out, allowing it time to colonize the surrounding wood. It also keeps the bugs and birds from removing it.
Let’s get started!
Log Culture
Plug and Sawdust Spawn Care

Store plugs and sawdust spawn for up to 6 months in the refrigerator. Remove them from the refrigerator the day before you plan on using them.
What You Will Need

- Logs – Cut your logs from a living tree and use them within 6 weeks of cutting the tree down. This is going to give the mushrooms you want a better chance of inoculating the log before any environmental mycelium gets to it. Look for trees around 4-8” in diameter and cut them into logs approximately 3-4 feet long. Your log should last one year for every inch in diameter however the larger the log, the longer it will take it to colonize and fruit.If you need help identifying what kind of wood you will need for a specific strain check out our Zone Fruiting map under learn on our website.
- Drill bit – 5/16″ (8.5mm) for plugs, 1/2″ (12mm)Â for sawdust spawn.
- Inoculation Tool – Inoculation tools are not necessary by any means, but do make life easier if you are doing a large amount of logs. You can also use a wooden dowel and a funnel to get the spawn into the holes, just make sure you get the spawn nice and snug in there.
- Canning wax – Use any wax like bee, soy or cheese wax. You may add a little bit of mineral oil to the wax so that it doesn’t dry and crack, but this is not necessary.
See blog post on How to Cultivate Shiitake Mushrooms for detailed instructions.
When you inoculate a log, you are putting the mycelium you chose into the tree that you want the mushrooms to grow from. It’s much like planting a seed. The mycelium then colonizes the log. Your log should be dry on the outside, and be free of dirt. Moss and lichens are ok. The plug is ¾” long dowels and you will want to drill your holes 1 ¼ “ into the log to create an air pocket below the plug. Drill the log in a diamond pattern with holes 5-6” apart.
Spawn Run
When you notice a white growth on the cut edge of the logs this is the mycelium and it signals the end of the spawn run. You should see this around 6-9 months after you inoculate the logs, longer for larger logs.
Dry or Lightweight Logs
Word of advice: Do not soak your logs before they have fruited the first time. When you cut your logs, they are full of moisture, as this is how trees transport nutrients from roots to leaves and back during their lifetime, so you should not have to soak them before inoculating. If you have let your logs sit for the whole 6 weeks before inoculating, they might be dry.Â
If you notice that your logs are dry and lightweight, soak them for 12 hours.
Log Arrangement
You can arrange your logs many different ways.
- A method called log cabin style is where you set two logs on the ground, and then stack another two on top perpendicular (criss cross) to the two below. In our experience, stacking the logs 3 high works the best. Any higher and the logs might topple over. With this method of stacking, the logs will eventually fuse to one another becoming one organism, and the bottom two logs will wick moisture out of the ground, and water the rest of the logs.
- Another method of arranging logs is to lean them against living trees, This works best for logs that are longer than 3 feet. It will not affect living trees, as living trees have immune systems, preventing any outside infections from happening.
- A third way of arranging logs is to run a strong string, preferably metal cable, between two trees, and then you can lean the logs on both sides against this cable. This way the logs will have the ability to wick moisture out of the ground.
After around 6-9 months, or longer for larger logs, your spawn run should be complete and your log will be ready to fruit. Leave your log outside to fruit naturally when the conditions are right. Heavy rainfall or a drop in temperature will cause your log to fruit.
You will notice that the wood around the plugs will become spongy, this is the mycelium eating the wood and taking over the log.
Force Fruiting
Force fruiting is a method used in large scale cultivation. Let’s say it is Monday and you need mushrooms for the weekend market for sale. You will want to force fruit your logs. How would you do this?
You can force your log to fruit by creating fruiting conditions. Soak your log by fully submerging it in a large bucket or container for 12 hours. Return the logs to their upright position and the log will begin fruiting within a few days.Â
Take care to not leave them submerged for more than 24 hours because it will drown the mycelium. Submerge the logs completely in cold water and in a large container or bucket for the entire 12 hours. Once you remove the logs from the container, arrange them again using one of the above methods.
Water daily.
Do not force your logs unless they have already fruited once. Wait at least two months if you want to force the logs again.
TIP: Inoculate enough logs where you can stagger your harvest if you are growing for the market or restaurants. Soak a 10% of logs one week, then another 10% the next week, and so on. This way you can have mushrooms continually. A typical 3 foot log should produce 2-3 lbs. of mushrooms every fruiting, or 1 pound per linear foot.
Log Life

A log is like a battery. After you harvest your mushrooms from the log you are going to want to allow it to rest for 2 months without water. At the end of the 2 months you will soak your logs for 12 hours and arrange to begin the cycle again. Your log will fruit faster during the second and third flush. You can expect around 3-5 flushes per year. The log will last 1 year for every inch in diameter, but it will not last as long if you are using the force fruit method.Â
Storing Mushrooms

Once you get a log to fruit, it will probably be a lot more than you can eat in a day. You can either take a small amount of mushrooms from the log, and pick periodically throughout the week, or you can pick them all at once and store them in a paper bag in the fridge.
If you get a really big flush, you might want to dry some of them on the dehydrator. Drying them in the sun also works, and if you expose the gills to the the sunlight, the Vitamin D will increase tremendously. Then you can store the mushrooms in an airtight container. They reconstitute in warm water really well, and you can them use them like you would fresh mushrooms.
Do not freeze your mushrooms fresh, they will suffer cellular damage and will become mush.

Q:What is the difference between a log and a round?
A: A log is a smaller round, a log would be considered anything up to 8 inches in diameter.
Q: How long after a tree has fallen or cut down, do you have to inoculate a log?
A: The window for inoculation is between 1-6 weeks after the tree is cut.
Q: Should I seal the end of my logs with wax?
A: No, in our opinion it is a waste of time and wax. Sealing the ends prevents water from coming in and out of the log.Â
Q: Should they be stored on bricks or laid directly on the ground?
A: If you stack them on the bricks, there is less chance of contamination, but you will have to water them more often, so they don’t dry out.
Q: How much sun is ok?
A: Bright indirect sun and shade is preferable. Do not store your logs in direct sunlight.
Q: How often should I water the logs while they are colonizing?
A: Water them once a week and then once every two weeks after a few months. After 6 months you can lay them on the ground and they will wick water from the earth.
Q: Should I bury my logs?
A: You can bury your logs 1/3 into the ground totem style if they are large. Do this after the inoculation period.
Q: If I inoculate a stump will it damage any trees that are near it?
A: Your surrounding trees will not be affected unless they are sick. If they are sick, once the mushrooms fruit and produce spores, there might be a chance those trees will at some point grow the same types of mushrooms.Â
Q: How do I know what strain of shiitake to get for my area?
A: People in warm climates should focus on getting all warm and wide range strains, cold climates should stick with cold and wide range strains, and temperate climates can get a mix of them all.
Q: Can I mix different strains in same logs?
A: No, the strains will compete in the log, and one will win. You want to plant different strains in different logs, and separate the logs from each other.
Q: When should I cut trees?
A: The best time time cut logs is when the sap is down, this means when there are no leaves on the trees. This will ensure more sugars (food) for the mushrooms. However, this rule does not make much of a difference if you are not growing commercially.
Q: What if the mushrooms freeze on the logs.
A: This is OK, as long as they are attached to the logs, they will defrost just fine, without any cellular damage.
Shiitake Spaetzle with roasted Jerusalem artichokes and shiitake gravy

Shiitake spaetzle
- 1 ½ cups AP flour
- ½ cup shiitake flour or you can use 2 cups AP flour
- 4 eggs beaten
- 1 ½ tsp salt
- ½ cup milk
- In a large saucepan over high heat bring salted water to a boil
- In a large bowl, stir the flour, eggs, milk and salt until smooth. your dough will be sticky
- Place you colander or spaetzle maker coated with cooking spray over the boiling water.
- Working quickly press the dough through the colander with a wooden spoon or pastry spatula, giving it a shake as needed. You are looking for small pieces to fall into the water.
- Cook for about 3 minutes until the dumplings are floating. Remove with slotted spoon and toss with butter and freshly chopped parsley.
Roasted Jerusalem artichokes
- ½-1 lb of Jerusalem artichokes aka sunchokes
- Olive oil
- Salt and pepper to taste
- Fresh herbs-I used thyme and parsley
- Preheat oven to 375 degrees
- Scrub the sunchokes especially in between the knots- slice into bite size pieces
- Toss the sunchokes and olive oil in a bowl with salt pepper and fresh herbs- I used thyme and parsley
- Spread out onto baking sheet and roast for about 30-45 minutes until tender and caramelized.
Shiitake gravy
- 3 oz dried shiitake
- 2 garlic cloves-minced
- 1 onion cut in half and sliced
- 2 tbsp flour
- 1/3 cup wine- you can use red or white (I used red for mine today)
- 2 cups stock-I was feeling beef stock today
- Olive oil
- Salt and pepper to taste
- Fresh herbs-I used fresh rosemary
- Soak shiitake in water for 30 minutes and drain excess water
- Slice your mushrooms into strips
- Heat your cast iron on medium-high and when hot, add your oil coating the bottom. Add the mushrooms, onions and rosemary until they are browned and onions are beginning to soften. I remove the shiitakes at this time
- Turn heat down to medium and add your garlic, add 2 tbsp of olive oil
- Add in the flour and whisk. Let cook while whisking for a few minutes and then add in your wine and stock-once your gravy has thickened add your mushrooms back in and season to taste.
40 thoughts on “Growing Shiitake On Logs”
Hi- I just inoculated (shiitakes) and waxed a log and put it in a “dark” corner of the yard. I’m in Denver, Colorado- am I to leave it to winter outdoors or should I move it to the basement or garage when temperatures drop?
It’s quite dry here- do I hose, mist, or soak it- and about how often (if there’s no rain)?
I would definitely make sure that they don’t dry out. You can cover them with a tarp, and maybe with some straw on top of that to keep them warmer in the winter time. How cold does it get there?
can I grow shiitake on ash tree logs which have been killed by emerald ash borer?
can I grow shiitake on hickory logs?
If the tree has been infected, but still living, then yes, you can grow them on ash. Hickory is not a good candidate for shiitake unfortunately.
Hi there- I’d like to start growing shitakes here in Georgia, zone 7b. Is June an okay time to start, as far as inoculating and temperature?
Hey Sydney! You can start growing mushrooms any time of the year. Temperature will affect the rate of mycelium spread in the log. The warmer it is, the easier time the mycelium will have. Most people inoculate either in the spring or the fall, because when the leaves have not popped out of the trees yet, the sugar content in the tree will be higher. Mushrooms like sugar as their food source.
Hi there,
We received our plugs about a week ago. I brought them home from the post office and thought I put them in the fridge, but just noticed the box tucked in a corner of our kitchen, unrefrigerated. Dang it!
I put the box in the fridge immediately but it’s been sitting out for a week or more, plus the time it was in transit. Our home is on the cool side, usually around 60 F. My husband just cut the tree we’re going to use yesterday and we were going to inoculate tomorrow. Will the plugs be okay? Or should we buy some more?
Sounds like a slime mold perhaps. Can you post a photo, and I will take a look. Thanks, Olga
The plugs will be just fine. Are you seeing white mycelium growth on them?
Hello, I asked a few months ago if I could let my logs pass the winter before inoculating them. Now I want to know if I should inoculate them right now or wait until the last frost date.
Inoculate now 🙂
Do you have any experience with growing mushrooms (Shiitake or otherwise) on common buckthorn (Rhamnus cathartica)? It’s invasive across the Midwest and New England, and our woods are full of it.
I personally don’t have any experience growing on buckthorn, but I have read that oyster mushrooms are good at breaking buckthorn down. Here is a graphic of our zone fruiting map for the mushroom strains that we carry. Hope it can help you chose what type of oyster to grow 🙂 https://mushroommountain.com/zone-fruiting-map/
can I use olive wood logs or eucalyptus logs to grow shiitake mushrooms? I already bought the pellets . thank you, Daniel ( a beginner with growing mushrooms)
Hey Daniel. I believe it will work on Eucalyptus. Not sure about olive wood, but it would be a great experiment.
I live near Charlotte NC. I have the zone map but am concerned about our occasional hard freezes. Is it safe to inoculate (wide range shiitake) In January here or should I wait until spring.
I would wait till the spring 🙂
here are my logs,
It’s not letting me see the photos. You can email them to me if you’d like at sporeprints@gmail.com. Thank you.
I have some more questions, can I just leave it under a tempo for the winter(there isn’t much wind entering) and there also is some kind of weird white pieces forming on the logs should I just scrape them off and not worry?
I would like to take a look at your logs, if you can post a photo, and then we can go from there 🙂
Hello , one last question, is it ok if I let them in a tempo(some kind of parking that doesn’t really let that much wind get inside) .
Honestly, wind is fine. It is better for them to be outdoors in the shade somewhere, so they can get moisture. 🙂
Hello, I have found some logs that were cut recently but I don’t know if I can innoculate right now( we have a big winter coming). If so should I keep them in the garage or so or can I just let it age until spring.
I also ain’t sure about wich shiitake could fit best to me, it gets down to -25 in the winter and the summer is generally humid and hot ( always more then 20°C) .
Hey Anis!Since it is that cold, I would go ahead and wait till the spring to inoculate. The logs will be fine, just don’t drill holes in them. you can store them in the garage, no problem. In your climate, I would try the cold and wide range strain shiitakes 🙂 Thanks for your comment, Olga
I ordered 2 didn’t realize how big they are! can I store one & use it later?
Hey Grace, I imagine you ordered the fruiting kit, which is made of sawdust and spawn 🙂 Yes, you can absolutely store one in the fridge until you are ready to use it.
I received my pre prepared logs today & in process of soaking them. 5he package says detailed instructions inside, there were none. How do grow them?
Hey Grace! Here are the directions for the shiitake fruiting kit: Sorry for the wrong directions.
Is it possible/ok ? To grow mushrooms on big logs ? I have oak logs , many up to over 24” in diameter which were cut down in June . Not the ideal time for sap levels apparently , but they are still VERY HEAVY and moist . Too big ? Is there any particular strain or kind of mushroom that might work under this condition ? I hate to waste the wood if at all possible . The logs are in the woods . Any response would be helpful, I am attempting this for the first time.
Thanks !
I would plant oyster mushrooms on these. Specifically phoenix oysters, they are a little faster than others, and aggressive. it may take a few years to see the fruit though. Since the logs are so large, you can stack them like totems, and for this I would recommend sawdust spawn.
Here is the link for our oyster spawn: https://shop.mushroommountain.com/collections/sawdust-spawn/products/oyster-golden-pleurotus-citrinopileatus-5lb
Hi just a quick question… Does this article say you CAN grow mushrooms on walnut? I thought walnut trees produce a toxin called juglone which causes allergic reactions in humans as well as animals. That is what I can remember from the “essential guide to cultivating mushrooms” by Stephen Russell, but it was talking about choosing trees for sawdust spawn, so I don’t know if the same goe for choosing logs to innoculate. Anyway, just a thought. Great site, y’all! J. W.
Yes, some mushrooms can be grown on walnut. Mushrooms are special, they break stuff down, and they will break down juglone 🙂
I live in Cherokee N.C. when should I get shiitakes to put in some logs. What kind should I get
Hey Brenda! On our zone map here, you can find a list of what shiitakes like to grow on 🙂