Laughing Gym – (Gymnopilus validipes)

A large, lemon-yellow mushroom that forms huge dense clusters with very large caps, this mushroom contains kava kava like molecules that can ease your inhibition to the point of slight inebriation, definitely a stimulant. Found fruiting all over the southeastern coastal plains, also found in elevations up to 1000 feet around large oaks.

Edibility and TasteBitter.  This mushroom is best made into tea or extracts.
Grows OnHardwood logs or rounds that have been buried outdoors.  Prefers oak. Indoors it fruits well on supplemented oak sawdust, once colonized it has a long incubation period then needs a few days in the freezer to shock it.  Once shocked remove it from freezer and put a few small slits in bag, then tent.
Fruiting TempsFruits when cold, but needs cold shock.  Fruits and matures from 32-50F.