Lion’s Mane “Tufted” – (Hericium americanum)

A mushroom that tastes like lobster? Become a believer and this will be one of your favorite edible mushrooms that you ever grow. Hericium fruit have spines, not gills, and can be found fruiting on a variety of hardwood trees. Nearly identical in appearance and flavor to other Lion’s Manes, this slight species variation differs from H. erinaceus in that this species forms tight branches on the ball of the fruitbody. Tearing this mushroom into strands and sautéing with butter and garlic tastes nearly identical to crabmeat or lobster! Great mushroom for anyone with shellfish allergies that wish they could eat shrimp or other seafood, this mushroom is excellent on pasta dishes and will leave everyone at the table stealing the delicious chunks out of any dish you prepare.
Edibility and TasteLike crabmeat or lobster when sautéed with butter, garlic and onions
Grows Onblack walnut, oak, beech, elm, maple, cherry or Sterilized sawdust indoors
Fruiting Temps50-65F