Reishi “GOLD”- (Ganoderma curtisii)

Also known as the “Mushroom of Immortality” or Ling-Chi, there are a few species of Reishi mushrooms native to temperate climates, and this is the prettiest we have found. This mushroom is beautifully lacquered with brilliant yellow new growth and white tips, like the sun setting perfectly, this mushroom is living art. A potent medicinal … Read more

Reishi “RED”- (Ganoderma lucidum)

This is red capped, commercial Chinese strain of Reishi, also known as the “Mushroom of Immortality” or Ling-Chi. This mushroom is beautifully lacquered with almost entirely red new growth and white tips. We cultivate this one in bags indoors and keep the bags shut until they have stretched a bit, then roll down the sides … Read more

Parasol- (Amerilepiota procera)


Parasol mushrooms can be found in most temperate climates worldwide, and are easy to identify since they are tall have a slightly shaggy, brown cap. Green spored parasol (poisonous with green spores), looks similar, however the true edible parasol has a spore print that is whitish cream, not green. These mushrooms are commonly cultivated by … Read more

King Oyster- (Pleurotus eryngii)

Previous slide Next slide King Oyster tastes exactly like the freshest scallops you could ever dream of and can become addictive. The entire mushroom is basically an enlarged, tender stem, that when laid on its side and sliced into thick dials, can be sautéed with butter, basil and a dash of salt to produce an … Read more

Phoenix Oyster- (Pleurotus pulmonarius)

Phoenix Oyster

Previous slide Next slide Phoenix Oyster mushrooms are the true summer oyster, that prefer warmer temperatures and can be distinguished from white-spored P.ostreatus with their beautiful lilac colored spore-prints. Most strains have all white fruitbodies, and this one is no exception. This strain was originally isolated from the ID tables at Oconee State Park, South … Read more

Warm Blue Oyster- (Pleurotus ostreatus)

Oyster mushrooms are high in Vitamin D, antioxidants, iron, and contain beta-glucans (a fiber that may help with heart health, the immune system, and blood sugar levels) Fun Fact: The Latin name for oyster mushrooms is Pleurotus ostreatus, which translates to “sideways oyster” The warm blue oyster is one of our most prolific indoor commercial … Read more

Nameko- (Pholiota nameko)

Nameko is the most cultivated mushroom by volume in Japan, for a reason. It is considered a valuable medicinal mushroom with cancer fighting properties, and the traditional recipe for Miso soup is generously filled with chopped pieces. This tasty, nutty mushroom has a slippery cap, so most recipes call for incorporating the saute back into … Read more

Morel “Black”- (Morchella angusticeps)

Morels are the most recognized and sought after mushroom on the planet, rivaling truffles in their elusiveness and difficulty in cultivation. Fortunately they are now being grown with some degree of success and luck, when you follow specific directions for the bed preparation. Black morels also like to associate with tree compatible with their microbial … Read more