Almond Portobello – (Agaricus blazei/A. brasiliensis)
Have composted livestock manure or can get it? Try cultivating this highly medicinal and choice
Have composted livestock manure or can get it? Try cultivating this highly medicinal and choice
Beefsteak mushrooms are now cultivated in Europe on a small scale indoors, we are offering
A firm, corky, hoof-shaped bracket mushroom, this unique fungus has shown strong antibacterial activity, making
Black Poplar, or “Pioppino” in Italian, is a clustering, meaty mushroom with a nutty and
Blewits are lilac to purple mushrooms that can be found fruting during the fall and
An edible species related to the poisonous Sulphur Tuft (Hypholoma fasciculare), this mushroom is very
Our Brown Oyster strain is one of the best tasting in our collection. Very similar
Brown Shimeji, with its beautiful watermarked cap, almost cracked or marbled appearance like a tortoise
Cauliflower mushrooms are unusual looking fungi that create wavy, brain coral like structures that are
A cousin of the slimy Nameko (Pholiota nameko) this wonderful clustering, wood loving mushroom forms
Most of our Chicken of the woods strains are isolated from native stock on the
The cold blue oyster is one of our most beautiful winter mushrooms and commercial fruiting
Enoki mushrooms, known mostly in Asia for it’s reported anti-cancer properties, are commonly added raw
A small, luminescent, gilled mushroom native to the US mostly found on the East Coast
One of our most beautiful oyster species, this warm weather strain is VERY FRAGILE when
This beautiful, fuzzy little Panus colonizes hardwood sawdust and chips and is also a sun-tolerant
One of the tinder mushrooms found in “Otzi the Iceman”s possessions, cloned from a native
Jack O’Lanterns are bioluminescent mushrooms that possess the ability to produce Luciferase, an enzyme responsible
Previous slide Next slide King Oyster tastes exactly like the freshest scallops you could ever
One of the easiest mushrooms to grow for beginners, experienced growers have used this mushroom
A large, lemon-yellow mushroom that forms huge dense clusters with very large caps, this mushroom
A mushroom that tastes like YES crabmeat! Hericium fruit have spines, not gills, and can
A mushroom that tastes like lobster? Become a believer and this will be one of
Hen of the Woods, or Maitake, is a beautiful, clustering polypore mushroom that ranks as
Morels are the most recognized and sought after mushroom on the planet, rivaling truffles in
Morels are the most recognized and sought after mushroom on the planet, rivaling truffles in
Nameko is the most cultivated mushroom by volume in Japan, for a reason. It is
A tropical mushroom that fruits only above 80F and actually prefers 90+F, this protein rich
Parasol mushrooms can be found in most temperate climates worldwide, and are easy to identify
Previous slide Next slide Phoenix Oyster mushrooms are the true summer oyster, that prefer warmer
This mushroom is a big hit with chefs and market buyers thanks to its stunning
Also known as the “Mushroom of Immortality” or Ling-Chi, there are a few species of
Also known as the “Mushroom of Immortality” or Ling-Chi, there are a few species of
This is red capped, commercial Chinese strain of Reishi, also known as the “Mushroom of
Shaggy Manes are super easy to identify for beginners, and are typically harvested in the
A crunchy, nutty native relative to the US and with global distribution, this is a
Turkey Tail mushrooms contain various pigments, including phenols, which give them a range of colors,
Oyster mushrooms are high in Vitamin D, antioxidants, iron, and contain beta-glucans (a fiber that
Wood ears are classified as jelly fungi, and are essentially flavorless but used for their